If you are going to use a map in another application, such as QuarkXPress, after you have worked on it in FreeHand, you must Export it as an “EPS” file. However, before you do so there are a few things you must do first:
1. If you want the relief TIFF to be embedded in the EPS, make sure that have checked “Embed TIFF/EPS upon import rather than link” in the “Expert > Import/Export” section of FreeHand Preferences (“File” menu).
2. Although some layers of your map may not be visible, they will be included in the exported EPS file unless you have unchecked “Include invisible layers” in “Output Options” under the “File” menu:
Uncheck this
3. If you want to be able to edit the EPS at a later date, make sure that you have checked “Include FreeHand document in EPS” when you Export the map.
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